Streaming media [was:Scripted musical notation available ]

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at
Wed Mar 26 05:34:01 EST 2003

On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 10:20 Europe/Vienna, Richard Gaskin 

>> this seems like a new frontier for rev.
>> for sales and publicity, i don't see how you can
>> beat streaming video in rev.
> I'm intrigued by the idea, but I'm finding my dinosaur mind unable to 
> blend
> the two traditionally distinct tasks involved: authoring and 
> broadcasting.
> With the anticipated authoring features, Rev would seem a wonderfully 
> rich
> and flexible ways to author content, which could be sent over the wire 
> when
> it's done using any number of existing streaming solutions.

Me too. I dont see the need for "a streaming rev" for CBT. If the user 
can download, lets say one (or more) lessons as a stack and work then 
offline. That will be so much faster and easier than this "allover 
there complicated and mostly slow and useless" Shockwave or what ever 
online learning sites, where you have to be conected to the server all 
the time. And much more expansiv for everybody which has "only" a modem 

For inevitable streaming stuff you can do that with QT, Flash or the 
Browser opened within rev....

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
..............................., wmb at
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539

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