Maximum variable size?
Chipp Walters
chipp at
Wed Jul 2 18:38:00 EDT 2003
be careful of the previously mentioned 64K per line of a field.
Also, consider using a byRef variable in a Handler as opposed to a function. I'm not sure, but I'm not sure how you're passing data to the function, but it may be being duplicated.
on replaceCRwBR @pval
replace CR with "<br>" in pval
end replaceCRwBR
> Curious - is anyone aware of a limit on the size of a variable in
> RunRev? I didn't see anything in the limitations section of the docs...
> I ask because I have a function that goes through and replaces a
> whole bunch of stuff in a variable ie:
> Function replaceStuff
> replace "wordA" with VariableA in VariableZ
> replace "wordC" with VariableC in VariableZ
> replace "wordX" with VariableX in VariableZ
> end ReplaceSTuff
> When I hit the last line of this function, I get a system crash,
> and revolution quits out.
> VariableZ is about 140K and variableX is about 170K
> What's interesting, is that in the case that crashes reliably (as
> in everytime) VariableZ does not contain wordX
> Any ideas? I figure that the next thing I will try, just to
> troubleshoot, is plopping VariableZ into field "Z" and doing the
> replace on that instead, since fields are unlimited...
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