More send in time

Cubist at Cubist at
Tue Jul 1 13:28:00 EDT 2003

sez pixelbird at
>Howdy Cubist,
>This is the core changes you made:
>> if within(graphic "upScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then
>> set the vScroll of fld 1 to ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1343) mod 1345
>> else if within(graphic "downScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then
>> set the vScroll of fld 1 to ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345) mod 1345
>> end if
>This appears to cause it to scroll 2 pixels at a time in the UP direction
>(fast but not smooth, and fixabable by turning '1343' into '1344'), but
>it doesn't work at all in the DOWN direction (nothing happens).
   Yes. Looking back at my "1 to 10" examples, it's clear that I messed up 
when I tweaked your handler -- there shoulda been a "1 +" in each of the two 
"set the vScroll" statements.

>So, what I did was change line 4 to say:
>  set the vScroll of fld 1 to ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345) mod 1344
>...which makes it work, apparently correctly because it doesn't jump or
>anything. I guess it starts it going down (in the correct direction for
>the mouseLoc).
>What say ye about that?
   I say I apologize for my initial error, and I say *this*...

  # note the "1 +"es!
  if within(graphic "upScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then

    set the vScroll of fld 1 to (1 + ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1343) mod 1345)

  else if within(graphic "downScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then

    set the vScroll of fld 1 to (1 + ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345) mod 1345)

  end if

   ...ought to do the job.
   The reason for going with that silly "+ 1345" business is that you can get 
away with condensing the "set the vScroll" lines into one, like so:

  if within(graphic "upScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then put -2 into Direx else 
put 0 into Direx
  set the vScroll of fld 1 to (1 + ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345 + Direx) 
mod 1345)

   As long as this bit of code is *only* activated when the mouse is within 
one of your two "xxxScrollArea"s, it should work fine. Hmmm... try this on for 

  # in card script
on ScrollControl
  if within(graphic "upScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then
    ScrollDatPuppy (-2)
  else if within(graphic "downScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then
    ScrollDatPuppy (0)
  send "ScrollControl" to me in 10 milliseconds -- adjust to taste
end ScrollControl

on ScrollDatPuppy Direx
  set the vScroll of fld 1 to (1 + ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345 + Direx) 
mod 1345)
end ScrollDatPuppy

  Hope this helps...

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