Line tracing

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Feb 1 22:14:01 EST 2003


It must be a bug in OS X. If you assign the value to a variable first, and
then get the count, you actually get the right number. For example, if you
select to documents in the Finder and do this:

tell application "Finder"
  get the number of items of the selection
end tell get "0". But if you do this:

tell application "Finder"
  copy the selection to mySel
  get the number of items of mySel
end tell

... you get "2". Go figure...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Gaskin" <ambassador at>
To: <use-revolution at>
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Line tracing

> erik hansen wrote:
> >>> Richard Gaskin has this nifty AppleTalk
> >>> application he wrote to make
> >>> the conversion painlessly. You just have to
> >>> drag the document onto
> >>> the icon and presto, PC to Mac conversion. I
> >>> can send it to you off
> >>> line if you can't find it on his web site--I
> >>> am assuming it that is
> >>> alright with Richard???
> >>
> >> Absolutely, Jim.  Thanks for helping to spread
> >> it around where it can be useful.
> >
> > shouldn't the RunRev people
> > (when they get some time)
> > have "this nifty AppleTalk application"
> > installed on their site?
> It wouldn't be their doing -- I'd have to send it to them first. :)
> They have a great tools repository at
> tions.html> and are quick about posting new submissions.
> I just hadn't thought of uploading it there.  All I did was find a snippet
> off the Web and modified it for the Rev type code, and then compiled it to
> droplet:
> on open theList
>     tell application "Finder"
>         set selectionLength to number of items of selection
>         if selectionLength = 0 then
>             say "Nothing is [[emph +]] selected."
>         else
>             --  first change all the files selected
>             set the creator type of every file of selection to "Revo"
>             set the file type of every file of selection to "RSTK"
>         end if
>     end tell
> end open
> While this works great in OS 9 it fails in OS X, providing the "Nothing is
> selected" feedback.
> Hopoefully one of you AppleScript gurus can explain:  Why would the method
> by which I'm obtaining the file list work perfectly in Classic but not in
> X?
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
>  ___________________________________________________________
>  Ambassador at
>  Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc
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