release history; what is a feature release?

Alex Rice alrice at
Tue Aug 26 16:16:01 EDT 2003

Runrev, here is your release history. Under the current licensing model 
which of these would have been called maintenance releases and which 
would have been called feature releases? 2.1 and 1.1 are the 
non-obvious ones. 2.0 clearly was a feature release.

Version 2.1:   August 25, 2003
Version 2.0.3: August 22, 2003
Version 2.0.2: July 14, 2003
Version 2.0.1: June 4, 2003
Version 2.0:   May 26, 2003
Version 1.1.1: April 2, 2002
Version 1.1:   November 5, 2001
Version 1.0:   July 1, 2001

My boss just asked me if we should get the SBE renewal license or the 
new Studio license  and I told him that I really have no idea which 
would be a better value.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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