grow window from bottom

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Mon Apr 21 17:24:01 EDT 2003

> Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 10:17:19 -0400
> Subject: grow window from bottom
> From: Stephen Messimer <steve at>
> Hi,
> Anybody know a script the will grow a stack window from the bottom.
> Currently i am using
> "set the height of this stack to << whatever ht >>"  this causes the
> stack to grow at the top and the bottom of the window.  On occasion
> this places the top of the window under the menu bar and keeps it from
> being moved.
I assume your doing it in a loop. I'm going to try something similar myself
soon. My initial approach will be to reset both the height and the loc.

Ken N.

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