Distibution Builder in 2.0

Michael mfitz53 at comcast.net
Mon Apr 21 18:54:01 EDT 2003

  I thought I'd put this question to the list again.
 I cannot get the 2.0 beta to open the distibution builder.
 I've tried reinstalling several times on the computer with win98, and 
downloaded and installed it to the other computer running winME.
 I'm having problems running some of the example stacks, but am not 
overly concerned about that as of yet. I'm hoping that if there is a 
solution to the first problem, some of the others might vanish.
 So, if anyone has had this sort of trouble, or may have some ideas as 
to what I could try to fix this, I would surely appreciate hearing 
them. I expected some bugs with 2.0. but if no one running windows is 
experiencing them, then maybe I have trouble with two computers instead 
of the beta version.

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