dealing w/ multidimensional arrays

Alex Rice alex at
Sun Oct 13 20:42:00 EDT 2002

It seems that Rev only simulates support for multidimensional arrays by 
concatenating the key together for you. It makes creating 
multidimensional arrays easy.  That's great but how do you get the data 
out, unless you know the entire concatenated array key before hand? And 
how likely is that? Do I have to use regular expressions to match my 
"multidimensional" array keys to access my data?

Illustrating my problem

put "x" into myArr["type 1", "color red"]
put "y" into myArr["type 1", "color blue"]
put "z" into myArr["type 2", "color red"]
put "a" into myArr["type 2", "color blue"]

-- oops can't do this:
put myArr["type 1"] into myArrayOfTypeOneObjects

Am I missing something here, or is the multidimensional array support 
only really during the creation of array keys, and not for accessing 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alex_rice at

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