Controls of Stack

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Sat Nov 23 10:58:01 EST 2002

>How does one parse all the controls of a stack ensuring that those in a
>background only get parsed once unless they are fields with the sharedText
>set to false... etc

Hi Again Monte,

This could be too little or too late, but following is a handler used 
by the HyperTalk version of OenoLog to capture all translatable 
fields in a text file, identified by card & control ids.  If one put 
the background logic inside a repeat loop, it should work for 
Revolution stacks.  It only deals with fields, as OenoLog has no 
menuBar, named icons, or tool tips.  I'm too lazy to parse it this 
AM, so here it is for what it's worth:

on mouseUp  -- 4/21/01
   global cancelTranslated,gimmieTime,myLanguage,okTranslated,whatFileTranslated
   put the optionKey into optionState
   if the icon of me > 20000 then exit mouseUp
   set the hilite of me to false
   put card field "Language" into saveLanguage
   get myLanguage
   put myFolder()&"OeNotes"&&it&":OeHelp"&&it&".txt" into fileName
   delete the last char of it -- ")"
   delete the first char of it -- "("
   put it into card field "Language"
   --  ask file whatFileTranslated with fileName
   --  if it is empty then
   --    put saveLanguage into card field "Language"
   --    allOn
   --    exit mouseUp
   --  end if
   --  put it into fileName
   if optionState is up then
     answer (field "Can't Quit Field Help") with cancelTranslated or 
   else get okTranslated
   if it is cancelTranslated then
     put saveLanguage into card field "Language"
     exit mouseUp
   end if
   open file fileName
   if the result is not empty then
     answer the result
     answer the result
     answer (card field "Open Error Alert Help")&&fileName&"!"
     put saveLanguage into card field "Language"
     exit mouseUp
   end if
   push card
   put return&numToChar(215) into theDelimiter
   put empty into backgroundList
   set the cantAbort of this stack to true
   lock screen
   lock messages
   go first
     if "Image" is in the short name of this card then exit repeat
     put true into doShared
     put the short id of this card into cardId
     get the short id of this background
     if it is in backgroundList then
       repeat with x = 1 to number of lines of backgroundList
         if it = line x of backgroundList then put false into doShared
       end repeat
     end if
     if doShared then put it&return after backgroundList
     repeat with x = 1 to the number of background fields
       set cursor to busy
       put the short name of field x into fieldName
       if fieldName is "Help" or "Result" is in fieldName then next repeat
       if ("Help" is not in fieldName and "About" is not in fieldName 
and "Title" is not in fieldName) or "Page Title" is in fieldName then 
next repeat
       if fieldName is in "Title,Index Title" then put line 2 of field 
x into theMessage
       else put field x into theMessage
       if (theMessage <= " " and length(theMessage) < 2) then next repeat
       put the sharedText of field x into shareMe
       if doShared or not shareMe then
         put the short id of field x into itemID
cardId&&itemID&&"BF"&&fieldName&return&theMessage&theDelimiter to 
file fileName
       end if
     end repeat
     repeat with x = 1 to the number of card fields
       set cursor to busy
       put the short name of card field x into fieldName
       if "Help" is not in fieldName and "Title" is not in fieldName 
then next repeat
       put card field x into theMessage
       if (theMessage <= " " and length(theMessage) < 2) or "Result" 
is in fieldName then next repeat
       put the short id of card field x into itemID
cardId&&itemID&&"CF"&&fieldName&return&theMessage&theDelimiter to 
file fileName
     end repeat
     if cardId is 36080 then -- report format
       put the short id of button "Type" into itemId
       write cardId&&itemID&&"PB Type"&return&(button 
"Type")&theDelimiter to file fileName
     end if
     go next
   end repeat
   close file fileName
   pop card
   set the cantAbort of this stack to false
   put saveLanguage into card field "Language"
   unlock screen
   unlock messages
end mouseUp

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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