Http or https
iago at
Sat Nov 23 13:14:00 EST 2002
On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Troy Rollins wrote:
> On 11/23/02 3:50 AM, "Iago" <iago at> wrote:
> >> I got a question for all of you https users.... Exactly
> >> what do you want it for? Please cite some examples.
> >
> > I work daily on a https-secured intranet site that uses
> > http-style authentication to control access. I'd like to
> > develop some web browser independent tools that can pull
> > down data from a given url for use on a local system. I
> > can get into the particulars if so desired, but that's
> > the abstracted general case.
> Yep. That's it in a nutshell. Corporate intranets. If we
> want our apps to interact with them, they have to offer
> some sort of security. HTTP connectivity is nice, but
> companies don't need me to display their public web site
> content - they have browsers for that.
Yep. We also have the intranet system accessible from
home, which is why we can't simply rely on http and
internal access behind a corporate firewall.
> I won't go in to what the issue has cost me already... but
> I will say that several months of development ended up on
> the scrap heap. My own fault, I should have considered the
> issue earlier and elected to use a tool that offered SSL
> functionality from the beginning.
That sucks -- I've considered the issue as a first
priority for every option I've looked at, which is why I
haven't gone with Revolution _yet_. The indication that it
will have SSL as whatever follows 2.0's release gives me
some hope there -- the development of standalone apps is
not a top priority, thankfully.
> I will say that I think the issue is critical for
> professional networked applications. Absolutely critical.
Completely true. Revolution's drawn my attention because
of the ability to create apps that run on many different
systems. The userbase that I've got could, at any time, be
running on a Mac, Windows of any stripe, Linux, Solaris...
It could be a nightmare, but Revolution seems to be able
to deliver on 95% of what I need it to. That final 5% is
blisteringly critical, though, and a dealbreaker until
it's addressed.
I don't want this to come off as a complaint -- just a
clear communication to the community that this is really a
#1 need for people like me. Without https support --
Revolution's just another app I could build a D&D GM's
tool with, with no bearing on my professional life. I'd
really like that to be otherwise.
Fred Hicks <iago AT iago DOT net>
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