Ah, I see what's happening (was quadra system bloat)

Martin Baxter martin at atwork.bdx.co.uk
Wed Mar 20 08:07:01 EST 2002

Thank you for the explanation Scott, helpful and informative as ever.

I may not be able to read the transcript dictionary at home yet, but as a
side effect of trying, I've learned some useful things about how this
software works that allows me to conceptualise what I'm working with more

>> It just blithely fills up the system's ram with its stacks and whatever
>> until there's no more system ram space left and the mac crashes of course.
>Scott Raney <raney at metacard.com> wrote:
>As opposed to the way other older apps work, which is to just more
>quickly fill up their own partitions and then crash the system ;-)

Some of them do yes, but round these here parts we tend to trash that kind
of app unsentimentally ;-)


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