saving data for standalones (was: Save dialog)

Filippo Galimberti fgalimbe at
Wed Jul 24 09:48:01 EDT 2002

I wish to thank all the people that replayed to my question on the built-in 
Save dialog.
Unfortunately, the use of an external database or file is not an option for 
me. I'm porting to Revolution a very complex set of Hypercard stacks. 
Switching to an external database or datafile will mean to rewrite hundreds 
of scripts. I understand that keeping large quantities of data in stacks is 
not wise, but I got no time to completely change the way my stuff works. 
Luckily, most of the stacks are under 5000 cards, and performance is not so 
bad. I understand that standalones can't save data, but my system will be 
run always in the development environment.
My problem was not related mainly to data stacks, but to simple one card, 
one field stacks that I use as windows to display temporary information. 
I'm now using a simple, although not very elegant, solution: I just save 
the stack before unlocking the screen, so when the user close it no "Save" 
dialog is shown. Anyway, I can't understand why the "Save" dialog sometimes 
appears on close even when the stack is not manually changed (and there's 
seems to be no script that change it).
Kind regards
Filippo Galimberti

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