What is the difference between clicking and "send mouseup"

Arthur Evans Jr evans at evans.pgh.pa.us
Sun Jan 6 20:26:00 EST 2002

At 11:08 AM -0500 1/6/02, Victor Eijkhout wrote:

>What is the difference between clicking on a  button with a
>"mouseup" handler, and typing <send "mouseup" to button "a"> in the
>message box, the latter divided up in cases where the hand and the
>pointer tool are enabled?

Here are two differences in Hypercard; I'll gues they apply to Rev.

If the button is a member of a button family, clicking on it will
hilite it and unhilite others in the family; sending mouseUp won't.

If the button is autoHilite, clicking on it will deselect anything
already selected; sending mouseUp won't.

I spend a lot of time once debugging that first difference before I
realized what was happeing.

Art Evans

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