Error 3

Dan Friedman dan at
Mon Dec 31 15:46:02 EST 2001


I have a stack that when running in Revolution works great!  However, when I
build a stand alone (68K or PPC) I get a Error 3 (sometimes a Error 2) when
I attempt to do "quit".  ALL other functions of the standalone work fine...
No errors, no problems... Only when quitting.

I have tried everything in the book... Deleting all non-open substacks
before making the stand alone, I have stepped through EVERY line of code and
all looks good to me.  I have spent, so far, two days trying to find out
what is going on!  

Anyone heard of anything like this??  Anyone have any thoughts on what I
should try next?

BTW, I have no problems with the Windows stand alone of this stack.

Thank you!

Dan Friedman, frustrated and bewildered
CEO, ClearVision Technologies, Inc.

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