White line around player?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at runrev.com
Sun Dec 30 14:10:01 EST 2001

At 11:12 PM -0800 12/29/2001, degbert wrote:
>Is there a way to have the white line around a player turned black?

The white part is a part of the 3-D border effect. You can:

- set the player's threeD to false (makes the border solid borderColor -
black by default)

- set the player's topColor and bottomColor to the colors you want (if you
want to keep the 3-D effect but use different colors)

- set the player's showBorder to false (removes the border altogether)

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at runrev.com
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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