best way to read and write variables?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Mon Dec 10 18:15:00 EST 2001

At 5:37 AM -0800 12/10/2001, Niklas "Almesj–" wrote:
>Come on people.. give me a hand here. this must be a
>common task, no?

Well, no, not really. Can you explain a little about why you'd want to
store the contents of a variable in a separate file? What you would
accomplish by doing this?

Several people have suggested methods for doing this, and they'll all work
fine, but without any idea why you're doing this in the first place I'm not
sure whether writing a separate file is the best way to accomplish what you
want to accomplish....

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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