Serial communication

John johng at
Sat Dec 1 00:12:02 EST 2001

On Friday, November 30, 2001, at 08:56 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

I have been informed that you CAN talk to serial ports from Linux by
starting an external port process, and then passing data from the process
back to Rev. This is my intended path for accomplishing it, but I've yet 
get to the stage of my program where I have tried it.

When accomplish this it might be of interest to others on the list 
also - will you let us (or at least me) know when you work it out.  
Perhaps a user contributed stack on the Revolution site?  I think it 
would make a nice contributions that others could use.  If it works with 
Linux perhaps it would work with OS X.....

John Miskimins

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