Weird error when saving stack

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Sep 8 22:58:27 CDT 2008

Shari wrote:
> Fixing the image on the card fixed the saving.  I cannot explain why. 
> All I did was change the filename of the image to what it was supposed 
> to be.  (And learned a cool new thing:  You can set the filename of an 
> image to an img URL on the internet!)  Now the stack saves as it should.

I bet the stack tries to resolve all the image references before it will 
save. It couldn't, so it didn't.

> Thank you Jacques, yet again, for putting me on the path to the solution 
> :-)
> As always, you're dreamboat of the week!

You wouldn't say that if you saw me now, sitting here with an abcessed 
tooth, glazed eyes, popping Aleve, my hair like a wild woman's, waiting 
for tomorrow's dental appointment where there will no doubt be 
excavations. I'm more of a nightmare than a dreamboat right now. My 
husband came in to say hello, took one look, and fled.

Sometimes other people's problems are a relief.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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