Thank you Metacard 2.4.3!

Shari shari at
Mon May 19 14:23:52 CDT 2008

I have Enterprise.  All my versions have been Enterprise including 
the original Metacard prior to Revolution.

I tried a test of MC 2.9 to see if it would open other old Hypercard 
stacks I had.  I did succeed with one, but others failed.  I don't 
know what differentiates the stacks.  I know that back then I used 
some externals in the resource forks.  But I think all my old stacks 
would have had that.

>No, it's still there in Studio and Enterprise. They did remove it 
>from Media, since that's an entry-level edition with a few features 
>turned off.
>I'm not sure why Shari couldn't get results in later versions of the 
>engine. I routinely convert HC stacks all the time and have never 
>had a problem, with the exception of one single release of -- I 
>think it was -- 2.7 where Mark forgot to enable the HC conversion 
>feature. It was turned on again in the next point release.
>Mark has specifically told me that he hasn't touched the HC 
>conversion code at all. It remains exactly as Scott Raney wrote it 
>and he has never changed it. So I suspect something else is going on 
>with these particular stacks.

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