Automated setup file uploaded

Tariel Gogoberidze tariel at
Tue Jul 17 20:58:57 CDT 2007

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 16:12:41 -0500, "J. Landman Gay"  wrote:

>> As for the rest of my post, you are right, it's better to keep such
>> modifications personal and handle them in either plugIn or front 
>> Script
>> or the script of stack home.
> Well, I did kind of like your idea about saving the positions of the
> various IDE windows. I am pretty sure no one would object to that.
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at

Well, the question is where to save this information. The least 
intrusive method would be probably to external file?
In this case something like script below may probably do it...

on RememberIDEstacksPositions
   put the openStacks into tOpenStacksList
   put "" into tMCIDEstacks
   set the itemDel to "/"
   repeat for each line L in tOpenStacksList
     if last item of the effective filename of stack L is among the 
items of tMCIDEstacks then
       put L &","& the loc of stack L & cr after tPositions
     end if
   end repeat
   delete last char of tPositions
   put item 1 to -2 of the effective fileName of stack "home" & 
"/IDEstackPositions.txt" into FL
   put tPositions into url ("file:"&FL)
end RememberIDEstacksPositions

another question is what should be the trigger for reading from file 
which would execute something like this...

on RestoreIDEstackPositions
   put item 1 to -2 of the effective fileName of stack "home" & 
"/IDEstackPositions.txt" into FL
   if there is a file FL then
     put url ("file:"&FL) into tPositions
     put the windowBoundingRect into tMonitorRect

     put the short name of the topstack into tStack -- ?

     repeat for each line L in tPositions
       if item 1 of L = tStack then
         set the loc of stack tStack to (item 2 to 3 of L)
         -- if user changed resolution or monitor
         if (the left of stack tStack) +10 > item 3 of tMonitorRect then
           set the left of stack tStack to the left of stack tStack - 
100 -- to make stack accessible
         end if
         if the top of stack tStack > item 4 of tMonitorRect then
           set the top of stack tStack to item 4 of tMonitorRect - 100
         end if
       end if
     end repeat
   end if
end RestoreIDEstackPositions

So, in case read / write IDE stack positions to external file is 
acceptable idea, any thoughts about ..

1) what should be the trigger to write IDE stack positions to file?  
shutdownRequest in Home stack? )

2) What should be the trigger to read external file ? (preOpenStack in 
"" and "home" stacks?

Or may be somebody has better idea where to save such info?

best regards

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