Automated setup file uploaded

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Jul 16 16:12:41 CDT 2007

Tariel Gogoberidze wrote:

> As soon as I tried to save "home" stack I got "can't open stack backup 
> file" error, same error that I'm getting from time to time in my MC IDE. 
> The second attempt to save is always successful which probably excludes 
> Permissions. Still It seems related to my computer otherwise somebody 
> would confirm this issue.

I think it has to be something on your computer. I was altering my home 
stack yesterdy and it saved without any trouble. It might have something 
to do with your hard drive, like bad sectors. You could run Disk Utiilty 
and see if it finds anything.

> As for the rest of my post, you are right, it's better to keep such 
> modifications personal and handle them in either plugIn or front Script 
> or the script of stack home.

Well, I did kind of like your idea about saving the positions of the 
various IDE windows. I am pretty sure no one would object to that.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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