Answer and Ask Dialogues

Klaus Major klaus at
Sun Jul 15 07:03:03 CDT 2007

Hi David,

> A few related questions:
> How and where are the ask and answer dialogs called?

Surprisingly they are named "Answer dialog" and "Ask dialog" :-)
But the stack/file names are different, see below.

> Are the stack names fixed in the engine (now that would be a bad idea)

I'm afraid this is the case.

> - or is it a script in the IDE? If so can't we just rename these  
> stacks and hack the script - so we can have both IDEs open at the  
> same time?

MC uses other differnet stacks (stored as "Answer dialog" and "Ask  
dialog" as substacks of "")
than Rev (stored as individual stacks named "revaskdialog.rev" and  
"revanswerdialog.rev" in folder "Toolset"
in the app folder.

> What are the issues about having both IDE's available within the  
> same process?

I'm not sure, but I think they both demand a "home" stack on startup  
and Rev uses another home stack than MC.
And Rev's home stack is locked!

> Can't we just switch between the two - toggling library scripts
> In fact taking that to an extreme - what would it take to make a  
> plugin that closed down the Rev IDe and launched the MC IDE, and  
> vice versa?

I have no idea.

Regards from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at

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