First impression of Revolution IDE

Shari shari at
Thu Aug 31 19:15:50 CDT 2006

>It would be interesting to learn of anything you find there that's 
>attractive.  MC is getting old, and the more they make radical 
>changes to the engine the harder it is to set up.  We can easily fix 
>the setup stuff, but as my last question here was asking who wants a 
>simpler setup and it went unreplied perhaps there's my answer on how 
>much interest there is in this at all.
>Then again, we read of many complaints about the Rev IDE on the main 
>list, and Galaxy/Consellation has quite a few followers, so it would 
>seem there would be room for an open source alternative -- maybe.
>Rev-based IDEs address an ultra-tiny market that's already 
>fragmented as it is.  I still can't get much work done in Rev, and I 
>hear most of my clients curse as they use it, but if there's only 
>three or four of us still using MC it does rather raise questions 
>about the effort.
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation

As things jump out at me, I will share.  I'm sure you have no doubt of that :-D

As stated in the first Holey Moley post, a project that I know is 
solid, my best seller, caused the Rev IDE fits.  Metacard took it 
like a champ.  I was REALLY hoping to easily go into Rev, turn the 
stack into a UB standalone, and let my beta testers have at it for 
awhile.  But with the many, many confusing options in the standalone 
builder of Rev, and with Rev not playing nice with the stack, I will 
definitely need to use Metacard.

I'd rather not change a happy stack to make the IDE happy.  I have a 
lot of other work to do :-)

I am willing to give the Rev IDE a chance in a newer project that 
shouldn't have any issues.  I feel that it is important that I should 
learn how to use the Rev IDE.  But it is very confusing on first 
glance.  It is not something I can easily just slide into, even 
knowing Metacard and Hypercard.  Writing the code may be the same, 
but learning how to maneuver the IDE... that looks like it's going to 
take some learning.

Regarding new people coming to Rev or Metacard, as stated by others, 
brand new people to Rev wouldn't have a clue that Metacard exists, or 
why they'd even want it.  And as others mentioned, how would they set 
up MC without an older licensed version of it?  Those coming from 
Hypercard will be very confused by Rev's IDE, and would be much more 
comfortable with Metacard's IDE.  Although they might just be 
delighted at the new opportunities regardless of the IDE.  Native 
color... for one... :-)  The ability to embed stacks within stacks... 
the ability to embed sounds and graphics inside of stacks... those 
were probably the three biggest pluses that delighted me when I first 
switched from Hypercard.  Oh... and the ability to create cross 
platform goodies... another biggie over Hypercard.  That and the 
ability to stay with a language that I was comfortable with.   Lordy 
I did NOT want to learn C!

Gypsy King Software

Mac and Windows shareware games

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