Standalone to Paypal direct

Shari shari at
Mon Aug 14 09:53:07 CDT 2006

>can't you create a direct link on the PayPal page to YOUR PayPal page?
>The result will be a very long ONE-liner that one can also use in 
>e-mail like this:

You mean an email link?  You've been using Paypal email links from 
your standalones successfully?

I have not tried that.

The last time I tried to use a customized very long email link in 
something it did not properly work.  I had attempted to prefill the 
body of the email partway.  I don't recall why.  I might have been 
creating a Feature Request/Bug Report button, and prefilling some 
info regarding what version they had, computer info if it was a Bug 
Report, etc.  It was quite a long while ago and the memory is fuzzy 

It stumbled over the prefilled body of the message, cutting it off partway.

Sounds like a good idea to try, though.  Anything that streamlines 
the purchase process usually results in more purchases.  I discovered 
recently after studying some logs that more people get to the Buy 
page than actually buy.  So something is stopping them at that page. 
Once they get there, they've already made the decision to buy, but 
drop out at the last hour.  I could increase my sales quite a bit if 
I figure out what that something is and fix it.

I know they go directly to the page from within the program.  So I 
was thinking if that just took them to Paypal with the specifics 
already there bypassing the website form, maybe it would do the trick 

Biggest trouble I've had with people ordering this year is my 
original payment processor (Kagi) turned on Verified by Visa.  When 
they did that, sales stopped to dead zero.  Just wham.  That one 
change by Kagi flipped my boat bottom up.  So I put Paypal at the top 
of the mountain, and steer people to Paypal first, though Kagi is 
still available to them.  Even though Kagi says they turned that 
"feature" back off, I do not want to change everything back again, as 
I make more money with a Paypal sale :-)  Kagi charges me 2.25 per 
sale versus Paypal's 88 cents.  Pretty significant.

Anyway when I steered people to Paypal, sales magically started 
appearing again.  Amazing how one change affects sales.

I'm about to release a new version so it's a good time to change the menu...

Gypsy King Software
Mac and Windows shareware games

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