O/T for Klaus

Shari shari at gypsyware.com
Thu Jul 21 11:04:37 CDT 2005

>I am stressed, since we will be moving end of next week* and now we 
>are painting
>the old flat, painting the new flat, put zillion things into zillion 
>boxes and hope it
>won't rain :-)
>*in the same city fortunately...
>Best from germanski
>Klaus Major


We moved a few months ago in the pouring rain.  We had an open 
trailer to move with.  Just a flatbed trailer with four walls.

We put a tarp down, bigger than the trailer, stacked our stuff, and 
put a tarp over it all overlapping the bottom tarp.  We tied the heck 
out of the thing.  We must have made 15 trips this way, 3 hours 
roundtrip each time.  Wasn't fun but everything arrived in one piece 
and dry.

We moved in September, and we are STILL not settled.  Hoo-eeee!  Talk 
about a lot of work!  A whole room full of boxes to figure out what 
to do with still.  We're just now hanging pictures.  Just so much we 
want to do!

Good luck, and just remember one thing...

You will survive it :-)  The worst of it will be over soon.....

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