IDE and libUrl

Brian Yennie briany at
Tue Jul 27 17:21:49 EDT 2004

Ah, right. Yes that would cause extra difficulty.
With that said, should the IDE generally be doing something along the 
lines of:

    start using stack "libURL"
catch tErr
    answer error "Error loading libURL... version conflict?"
end try

And would that relieve some of the problems with any incompatible 
library, in general?

> It may not be so straightforward. In the case of a new version of 
> libUrl (>= 1.1) with an old engine (< 2.6.1) I think a script error 
> will pop up as soon as the engine tries to run/compile the script. I 
> haven't checked out the details yet, but doesn't the engine start 
> compiling scripts as soon as a stack is loaded?

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