IDE and libUrl

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Tue Jul 27 22:26:00 EDT 2004

On 27 Jul 2004, at 21:15, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Dave Cragg wrote:
>> On 26 Jul 2004, at 20:42, Brian Yennie wrote:
>>> This reminds me of the warning the tools stack used to always give 
>>> me when I got new beta releases of Metacard- that the version of the 
>>> tools stack didn't match the version of the engine. Could we use 
>>> this same sort of logic, and maybe add an extra line or two to the 
>>> IDE to specifically check for a matching version of libURL? The user 
>>> could of course ignore the warning, but at least they'd be likely to 
>>> understand why their URL scripts were failing after receiving said 
>>> warning...
>> It may not be so straightforward. In the case of a new version of 
>> libUrl (>= 1.1) with an old engine (< 2.6.1) I think a script error 
>> will pop up as soon as the engine tries to run/compile the script. I 
>> haven't checked out the details yet, but doesn't the engine start 
>> compiling scripts as soon as a stack is loaded?
> Yes, which has been evident when running with explicitVars on.
> Have you gotten my emails on that?  I'd be happy to add the necessary 
> declarations to libURL, but it would be very useful if I could use it 
> when running with explicitVars (a requirement when I'm working on the 
> MC IDE and a few other projects).
Oddly, no one has pulled me up about this. However, I've already added 
declarations for the recent (2.6.1 supportive) version. I'll try and 
add the same to the 1.0.15 version before it becomes final.


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