IDE and libUrl

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Mon Jul 26 12:43:37 EDT 2004

Hi all

First, apologies for not making a bigger contribution to the IDE. (weak 
excuses about other commitments, new dog ate my e-mail, etc.)  As an 
almost full-time user of the IDE, I'm grateful to everyone involved, 
and especially the great poohbah.

Of course, there have been times when it looked like the whole IDE 
might fall prey to creeping eye candy (that modernistic splash screen 
for example, and older users probably think things started going south 
when the image icon changed some years back, was that you Rossi?  

Anyway, to more serious things...

The version of libUrl (1.1a3) currently being distributed with the Rev 
2.5 beta (engine 2.6.1) is not backwards compatible with earlier 
engines. This is because of syntax added to support secure sockets in 
https URLs. I plan to make future updaters aware of the engine version, 
and install the appropriate version. However, this might not be enough 
to keep confusion away.

I'm not sure if the plan is to release new MC IDEs with each engine 
release (if so, then there mau be no problem), but I'm guessing people 
are hoping to be able to use the same IDE over a range of engine 
releases. There could be problems if people swap engines about 
liberally without being sure to have an appropriate version of libUrl 
in place.

I can't think of an easy way round this problem right now. But if 
anyone has any thoughts, please let me know.


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