Open Source Licence (LGPL or GPL)

David Bovill david at
Wed Sep 10 17:50:01 EDT 2003

J. Landman Gay wrote:

> After reading all the responses, I'm going to vote for this. It seems to 
> me that public domain is the easiest solution, doesn't require any 
> special handling, allows anyone to do anything without legal 
> entanglments, and is just generally easier to manage. So I vote for 
> public domain.

Public Domain (MIT licence) is a good option. Ian Gordon has suggested 
ways of encouraging people to contibute code back to the main fork if 
they download form the 'official' site - which seems promising.

> Yahoo Groups is a convenient, accessible, free, and neutral option. 
> People can upload files and anyone can get them. It provides a place for 
> discussion or mailing lists if we want them, but doesn't require we use 
> those features. It allows easy transfer of moderatorship from one person 
> to another if the current Poobah decides to hand the reins to someone 
> else. So what about Yahoo?

I'm for hosting a new neutral and open site with MC CGI scripting and 
direct MC ftp access - adding proper secure moderated Sourceforge 
backend for official releases - when we get to that stage.

A Yahoo site could get us up and running and I'm not totally against 
that - we just can't integrate it properly into the MC environment. I 
really don't like switching back and forth between MC and email / 
browser stuff - and you cannot integrate the MC IDE into Yahoo groups 
(I've tried:).

I would really like to see a web site properly integrated into this 
project and would be prepared to cough up and set it up ( a few paypal 
donations would help :) I'd then set up a scripted submission from this 
web site to the Sourceforge CVS (which would be permament, secure and 
free). Ideally if this proved a useful service RunRev would contribute 
(to) the hosting costs.

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