Open Source Licence (LGPL or GPL)

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Wed Sep 10 19:46:00 EDT 2003

>J. Landman Gay wrote:
>>After reading all the responses, I'm going to vote for this. It 
>>seems to me that public domain is the easiest solution, doesn't 
>>require any special handling, allows anyone to do anything without 
>>legal entanglments, and is just generally easier to manage. So I 
>>vote for public domain.
>Public Domain (MIT licence) is a good option. Ian Gordon has 
>suggested ways of encouraging people to contibute code back to the 
>main fork if they download form the 'official' site - which seems 

The only concern about PD I have is that it is just that: public 
domain. Anyone can take what we have and do whatever they want with 
it, including marketing it commercially. In other words, PD may be 
too a broad license. Do we care?

Robert Brenstein

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