newbie question (text wrap)

José L. Rodríguez Illera jlrodrig at
Tue Jan 28 16:44:01 EST 2003

> A newbie question:
> I want to wrap some single line text in a text box and not use a
> horizontal scroll bar.  I have an algorithm that works.
> But it is horribly inefficient and I'm sure there must be a better way!
> Can you X-talk gurus help me out with this one?
> if (the length of this_line > 80) then
> repeat with i = 1 to the length of this_line
>   put char i of this_line after field "contents"
>   if (i mod 80 = 0) then put return after field "contents"
> end repeat
> end if
> Mahalo!
Hi Sadhu,

I understand you want to pad the text  to a fixed lenght (in fld 1 or in a
variable) to a fld 2. Try this:

local thetext, counterr, tam
on mouseup
  put 0 into counterr
  put 80 into tam

  repeat for each char x in fld 1
    add 1 to counterr
    if x=cr then  ---you have to control if the char is a return
      put cr after thetext
      put 0 into counterr
      put x after thetext
    end if

    if counterr=tam then
      put 0 into counterr
      put cr after thetext
    end if
  end repeat

  put thetext into fld 2
end mouseup

Sure the script may be tunned, but even in this form it is very fast for
small texts (some thousands of chars).


Jose L. Rodriguez

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