Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

Alex Rice alex at
Mon Dec 15 09:50:36 EST 2003

On Dec 15, 2003, at 9:45 AM, Karl Becker wrote:
> Also, the fmod external isn't quite what I'm looking for, as Scott 
> pointed out.

Karl, did you look at the feature list of FMOD? I think it's just that 
the fmod4rev author was very selective about what parts of the API to 
implement. An external could be written to support more of the FMOD 
features including multiple sounds playing at once. Just a thought. It 
would be better if an external were not called for, obviously.

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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