MC in RR

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sat Aug 9 23:20:01 EDT 2003

At 5:57 AM -0700 8/9/03, FlexibleLearning at wrote:
> Q1. Can I still use my MetaCard stacks in the RR GUI? Or do they have to
>be 'translated'? Or do I simply change the suffix?

You can use them as-is. (To get the "Open" item in the File menu to see
them on Windows/Unix, you do need to change the extension. On Mac you need
to change the file type. Or hold down the Option/Alt key when choosing the
Open item.) The file format's the same.

> Q2. Can I use RR in 'spartan metaCard mode' and continue to 'roll my own'?

You can go on using either interface (and you can add/modify things in
either interface for your use). I'm honestly not sure whether you can tack
the MC interface onto Rev - the engine is identical, but Rev includes some
libraries that aren't in MC, so you might run into some problems with
those. So I guess that one is filed under "not supported but you're welcome
to try it"....

> Q3. I have been happy with mc2.3 and mc2.4 for ages and most of the new
>features have not really impacted on me (under the rule of appropriateness
>whereby 'Just because you can does not mean you have to'). As my
>subscription has lapsed, I am a tad confused about the
>upgrade/cross-grade/transfer licence and price. What's the cost to buy
>into the new equivalent?

The deal is that the next time you update your MC license for an additional
year for $299, you also get a Revolution key. So the effect is you renew
the same way you've always been able to renew an MC license, but you also
get a cross-grade to Revolution Enterprise for no additional cost.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

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