Demo stack not working in Linux

Alejandro Diaz astroboy at
Mon Aug 26 10:00:01 EDT 2002

>Doesn't work for me on SuSE either :(

>Thought it was xanim - but.... maybe not?

I don't think so... if you play the introan.avi in a Terminal Emulator
(typing "xanim introan.avi") you can see it just fine, so it's not a xanim

By the way, I don't use the xanim file bundled with MetaCard. In all this
years I never saw it working in Caldera, Corel or SuSE, so I just delete
this file and use the xanim program bundled in some distro.

Just out of curiosity, does somebody know in what distro and version
works the xanim program bundled in MetaCard?

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