Import SVG with Multi-Path and Two colors

dev dev at
Thu Jan 2 00:21:48 EST 2020

Aloha Swami,

Noticed a bit of garbage in the previous code.
This one’s better.



<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">

<g fill="red" stroke="green" stroke-width="5">

<path class="S1" d="M23.8 72.3a26.31 26.31 0 0012.4 3.3c6 0 9.3-2.8 9.3-7 0-3.9-2.6-6.2-9.1-8.5-8.4-3-13.8-7.5-13.8-14.9 0-8.4 7-14.7 18.1-14.7A26.52 26.52 0 0153 33.1l-2.3 7.5a21.56 21.56 0 00-10.2-2.4c-5.9 0-8.5 3.2-8.5 6.2 0 4 3 5.8 9.8 8.4C50.7 56.1 55 60.6 55 68c0 8.2-6.2 15.4-19.5 15.4-5.4 0-11-1.5-13.8-3.2zm29.6-55l-11.5 9.1h-7.6l8.7-9.1z"/>

<path class="I1" d="M74.9 31.9c-.4 11-.5 27.4-.5 49.4v1.5c-1.7.1-4.3.2-7.8.2l-2-.2v-2.2c0-.1.1-8.5.2-25.3.2-10.1.1-18.5-.2-25.2a16.43 16.43 0 016-1l4.4.1v2.7z"/>

<path class="V1" d="M113.5 82.7H103a272.79 272.79 0 01-19.9-52.3l9.4-1.9c4.4 18.5 9.7 33.3 15.7 44.3q9.15-16.5 15.7-44.3l9.4 1.9a263.57 263.57 0 01-19.8 52.3z"/>

<path class="A1" d="M171.2 83.5c-.7-4.3-1.7-8.7-2.9-13.3h-25.8c-1.2 4.6-2.1 9-2.8 13.3l-10.3-1.6a95.11 95.11 0 013.2-11.6c-.4 0-1.3-.1-2.7-.2l.2-8.3h5.1a164 164 0 016.9-16c2.7-5.4 5.4-10.7 8.1-16.2l10.3-.5 8.4 17.1a150.36 150.36 0 017.2 17.7c.9 2.8 1.8 5.6 2.8 8.4a92.94 92.94 0 012.5 9.7zM155.6 40a142.72 142.72 0 00-10.2 21.7c7.3.2 14.1.2 20.3.2-2-5-3.5-8.6-4.6-10.8-2-4.4-3.9-8.1-5.5-11.1z"/>


<g fill="#6495ED" stroke="#32AE60" stroke-width="5">

<path class="S2" d="M22.5 169.6a26.31 26.31 0 0012 4c6 0 9.3-2.8 9.3-7 0-3.9-2.6-6.2-9.1-8.5-8.4-3-13.8-7.5-13.8-14.9 0-8.4 7-14.7 18.1-14.7a26.52 26.52 0 0112.3 2.6l-2.3 7.5a21.56 21.56 0 00-10.2-2.4c-5.9 0-8.5 3.2-8.5 6.2 0 4 3 5.8 9.8 8.4 8.9 3.3 13.2 7.8 13.2 15.2 0 8.2-6.2 15.4-19.5 15.4-5.4 0-11-1.5-13.8-3.2zM52 114.5l-11.5 9.1H33l8.7-9.1z"/>

<path class="I2" d="M73.6 129.2c-.3 10.9-.5 27.4-.5 49.3v1.5c-1.7.1-4.3.2-7.8.2l-2-.2v-2.2c0-.1.1-8.5.2-25.3.2-10.1.1-18.5-.2-25.2a16.43 16.43 0 016-1l4.4.1v2.8z"/>

<path class="V2" d="M112.1 180h-10.5a272.79 272.79 0 01-19.9-52.3l9.4-1.9c4.4 18.5 9.7 33.3 15.7 44.3 6.1-11 11.3-25.8 15.7-44.3l9.4 1.9a262.07 262.07 0 01-19.8 52.3z"/>

<path class="A2" d="M169.9 180.8c-.7-4.3-1.7-8.7-2.9-13.3h-25.8c-1.2 4.6-2.1 9-2.8 13.3l-10.3-1.6a95.11 95.11 0 013.2-11.6c-.4 0-1.3-.1-2.7-.2l.2-8.3h5.1a164 164 0 016.9-16c2.7-5.4 5.4-10.7 8.1-16.2l10.3-.5 8.4 17.1a150.36 150.36 0 017.2 17.7c.9 2.8 1.8 5.6 2.8 8.4a92.94 92.94 0 012.5 9.7zm-15.7-43.5A142.72 142.72 0 00144 159c7.3.2 14.1.2 20.3.2-2-5-3.5-8.6-4.6-10.8a104.39 104.39 0 00-5.5-11.1z"/>



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