Stacks whose names start with "rev"

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Sep 28 16:28:22 EDT 2018

J. Landman Gay wrote:

 > Some of my client's stacks must begin with names starting with "rev"
 > (i.e., Bible study, "Revelations".) This of course wreaks havoc in the
 > IDE, aside from just omitting the stacks from file lists. We have
 > tried setting gRevDevelopment to true and turning on the option to
 > view IDE stacks, but lots of other things still fail. Objects can't be
 > selected with the edit tool and other oddities occur that make the
 > stacks uneditable.

That would seem a bug in the IDE: If there is no means why which the IDE 
allows work on stacks the IDE believes are part of the IDE, the IDE 
cannot be worked on.

I trust the team will want to resolve that ASAP.

Before submitting that bug report, it may be helpful to check both the 
cantModify and modes of the stacks disallowing normal editing.  If they 
are toplevel and cantmodify is false you have a bug in the IDE, and if 
not you have a solution to get you back to work.

 > But now something else is occuring, totally unintelligible. Normally
 > two stacks are open, an index stack "TSMain" and a mainstack
 > "Revelations".
 > When trying to navigate to Revelations by any method -- opening it
 > from Finder, clicking the name in the index stack, etc. -- this error
 > is thrown:
 > "A stack with the same name as the one you are trying to load is
 > already open. Before loading
 >   /Users/<name>/Documents/<product>/Revelations.livecode what do you
 > want to do with stack
 >   /Users/<name>/Documents/<product>/TSMain.livecode, TSMain?"
 > Besides the issue that the two "conflicting" stacks do not have the
 > same name, the TSMain stack is listed twice, once as a full file path
 > followed by the short name.
 > Huh?

Does TSMain have anything set in its stackfiles property?  Or is the 
stackfiles property set in Revelations.livecode?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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