Using the $_POST global in LiveCode server

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Thu Aug 2 19:15:37 EDT 2018

I don't really understand what I've read yet, but I think what you're
looking for is Post/Redirect/Get (prg)  Basically.. Accept the post,
process it, redirect to another page without the post. (One example I read
basically placed the generated html into a session variable and displayed
it after the get, then cleared it from the session so that a reload
wouldn't show anything)

Lots of examples in php, not sure how to implement with lc.

Another though has just occurred to me also..  If you use session
variables, you can store the search term in the session, and since the
browser will re-post on reload, if $_POST and your session variable contain
the same search term, its possible (likely?) that it was a reload rather
than a new search, then don't do the search. Not sure if this is helpful,
and not sure how to handle the back button either.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 4:37 PM Tim Selander via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to change, or even delete, the $_POST[] array in LiveCode
> server? I want to clear it after my script has pulled out the info it
> needs.
> Or, maybe there's another way to skin the cat. I have a search page that
> returns a list of our online TV programs. But even if the page is
> reloaded, the previous search term is still "live" in the $_P, so the
> page returns the previously searched list of programs. If a user reloads
> the page, I want the page to come up with no program list until they
> enter a new search term.
> Any pointers?
> Thanks!
> Tim Selander
> Tokyo Japan
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