Libraries To Contribute

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Mar 23 21:37:16 EDT 2017

Mike Kerner wrote:

 > The code was relatively easy.  What I was more interested in was
 > either building or finding a central repo for a library of routines.

Right now the most comprehensive collection I know of is Michael Doub's 
Master Library:

It might be nice if that was extended to pull from Github resources - a 
good community project perhaps?

In lieu of that, posting it on Github is very useful:  easy to search, 
and the more LC repos we see the more likely we'll see LiveCode on the 
TIOBE index more often.

In fact, any and all LiveCode resources clearly marked as being about 
"LiveCode" will help LC get the attention it deserves on the TIOBE Index:

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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