math, bigly

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Aug 9 12:33:24 EDT 2017

Hi Mark. 

I remember an old trick to determine if a math function was overflowing. Run the equasion backwards and see if that result equals the initial value. This will reveal rounding errors too. 

Bob S

> On Aug 8, 2017, at 18:38 , Mark Wieder via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> Phooey...
> put baseconvert("100000001",16,10)
> ...and yes, I understand what's going on under the hood, but I'm annoyed that the IDE doesn't give me an overflow warning if I try to perform an operation on a number that's bigger than 0xFFFFFFFF. Instead, it just happily trims it down to an unsigned integer and proceeds to give me a wrong result. I came across this yesterday handing two large numbers to the bitXor operand which threw no errors and went on with the rest of the calculation. I had to backtrack to figure out what was going on, and finally ended up writing my own bitwise operators to deal with this.
> -- 
> Mark Wieder
> ahsoftware at

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