Script Error "to" on attempt to change rect/location of a group of 5 controls

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun May 15 18:18:39 EDT 2016

This works now I fixed my "blooper" (put instead of "set"… one caveat
When dynamically relocating the controls of the group. This process seems to relayer them.

So if you set the background as the last in the list… the other controls are underneath..

So, order matters here:

on setBottomNavtoSideAndBack pWhich
   switch pWhich
      case "Bottom"
          set the rect of grp "homeScreensBottomNav" to 161,365,575,415
          set the rect of grc "bottomTabBkgnd" to 161,365,575,415

# Be sure you set the above first… only then will these appear on top
         set the loc of widget "go-home-portal" to 218,390
         set the loc of widget "queue-content" to 315,390
         set the loc of widget "add-favorites" to 404,390
         set the loc of widget "settings-gear" to 498,390
      case "Side"
           set the rect of grp "homeScreensBottomNav" to 0,0,50,464
         set the rect of grc "bottomTabBkgnd" to 0,0,50,464

# Be sure you set the above first… only then will these appear on top
         set the loc of widget "go-home-portal" to 25,65
         set the loc of widget "queue-content" to 25,115
         set the loc of widget "add-favorites" to 25,165
         set the loc of widget "settings-gear" to 25,215
   end switch
     show grp  "homeScreensBottomNav"
end setBottomNavtoSideAndBack 

On 5/14/16, 9:49 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of brahma at> wrote:

>Set. Not
>Oh duh! I think I need to get away from the code for a few days and go mill firewood for our camp out!

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