'Check for Updates' not working?

Graham Samuel livfoss at mac.com
Wed Sep 23 04:49:34 EDT 2015

For some time now, when I see an announcement of a new version of LC on this list, if I open my current version and pick the menu item ‘Check for Updates’ I always get ‘no updates available’. The latest has been LC 7.0.6 (rc1) for the Mac, which I replaced with the version just known as 7.0.6.

(Incidentally, it is not easy to see that these two versions are in fact different - the newly designed LC members downloads page doesn’t provide the information available on the ‘all the downloads’ page which in fact shows that I’ve just downloaded the STABLE version which therefore **is** different. To get to this other download page is pretty obscure - it’s not immediately obvious from the web site where it is, even after one has logged in. But I guess that’s another issue.)

Anyway, is anyone else having trouble with ‘Check for Updates’ or is it just me?


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