This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Mark Waddingham mark at
Wed Sep 9 04:10:23 EDT 2015

On 2015-09-09 05:38, Mark Wieder wrote:
> 4. My pull request was passive-aggressively not accepted because
> "there's no way to review the changes".

I think you should perhaps look at the title of your post for an example 
of passive-aggressiveness, rather than Ali's perfectly measured and 
appropriate response to your pull request :)

We have been clear about what we can and cannot accept at this time as 
community contributions.

We have been clear about what branch we would pull feature additions 
into (that would be the develop branch which is 8).

We have been clear about the amount of work we have done on the IDE to 
improve the situation in 8 - i.e. turning as much of the IDE as possible 
into script only stacks.

In regards to binary stackfile contributions - I'm sorry but we simply 
cannot accept them at this time. I think the community would be rather 
unhappy if we did accept a binary stackfile contribution in which 
someone had planted something nefarious that we did not see and ended up 
adversely affecting their local systems on install in some heinous way.

Now, I'm not saying there is not a solution to this - but we don't have 
one right now. How far off is a solution? I honestly don't know.

So, it seems to me, the best solution *right now* is that we all work on 
the develop branch and therefore LC8. The develop branch IDE has a 
substantial number of script only stacks which makes contribution (and 
also in house changes - I should add!) a lot lot easier and more 
transparent *and* it is only one branch to focus on so if a binary 
change is required, a LiveCode engineer only has to go through and do 
the necessary work once (which, I'd point out Ali quite happily did with 
the contribution in question).

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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