Setting the color of a field's border

Mark Waddingham mark at
Thu Nov 26 12:19:07 EST 2015

On 2015-11-26 01:30, Peter Haworth wrote:
> I've been trying to set the border around a field to something other 
> than
> its default by setting its topColor and bottomColor but didn't see the
> color show up.  By chance, I set the borderWidth to 3 instead of the
> default 2 and the color showed up.  Setting the borderWidth back to 2 
> made
> the color disappear again.

The engine determines whether a button should be 'themed' in the current 
native theme (assuming the lookAndFeel is 'native') based on the 
borderWidth and threeD properties.

If the borderWidth is 2 and threeD is true then it will render it using 
the system theme which won't use most of the specified colors on the 
object as they are determined by the theme itself.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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