Formatting a number with two or more decimal points

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Wed Nov 11 15:21:23 EST 2015

Hi All,

on Wed Nov 11, Matt Maier wrote:
> This works with the two cases you described.
> I've heard that "repeat while" isn't the fastest option,
> but it sounded like 6 repeats would be an extreme
> case, so it probably doesn't matter...

on Wed Nov 11, James Hale wrote:
> You could just use the replace function.
> [snip]
> This assumes the numbers to unpack are less
> than 100 (i.e. 99.99 is the largest).
> If not, you would need to adjust the initial conditional
> to work out if there was a compaction.

  Great! Many Thanks to Matt and James for posting this code :D
I found an example of 13 numbers in a single word within a svg file.

I have already included Matt's handler in the stack
SVGL_2015_rev01 posted within this thread in the forums:

Later today, I will test James handler.

After completed all revisions, I will include links to your messages in the
mail list or forum to acknowledge your contributions.

Many Thanks for your help to update this stack!
You could download the Original SVGL stack from:


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