Insertion point problems

dfepstein at dfepstein at
Tue Jun 23 17:49:03 EDT 2015

Thanks to Craig Newman and Bob Sneidar.  Unless I have misunderstood them, which is possible, I think I have not clearly enough explained my problem.  
I want a menu button in a palette to paste the clipboard's contents to the topStack at the selectedChunk.  This works if the selectedChunk actually includes some hilited text ("char 1 to 4..."), but not if the selectedChunk is an insertion point ("char 4 to 3...").  In the second case, but not in the first, the insertion point disappears and the selectedChunk property loses its value when a palette button is pressed, so the paste fails.  I recall that people resort to various ways of storing the selectedChunk, but am puzzled by this inconsistency between the first and second cases. 
My second question is whether LiveCode 7.01 only rarely shows the blinking insertion point that it should be showing whenever the current selection is before or after, or between consecutive, characters of an unlocked field.  This is my experience on Mac Yosemite, but it seems like such an obvious and important flaw that I would think others would have complained. 
Many thanks. 
David Epstein 

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