Playing Flash Video crashes revbrowserCEF

William Prothero prothero at
Wed Jan 7 15:49:09 EST 2015

I’m trying to play a YouTube move in the rev browser. I use revBrowserOpenCEF. The code is:

on openBrowser
   put the windowID of this stack into tWinID
   put revBrowserOpenCEF(tWinID,"") into sBrowserID
   revBrowserSet sBrowserID,"showborder","true"
   revBrowserSet sBrowserID, "rect",rect of grc "browserRect"
end openBrowser

on closeBrowser
   put revBrowserInstances() into tInstances
   if tInstances is not empty then
      revBrowserClose sBrowserID
   end if
end closeBrowser

This crashes LiveCode 7.0.1, as well as 7.0.1 (Rc2) when I try to play a Flash movie. This is on Mac OS10.10.1. The movie plays, but livecode won’t quit and seems to lock up or crash.

Before I submit a bug report, I wonder if anybody else has seen this, or if I am doing something wrong.

Note: using the older browser: “not the CEF one” Mac doesn’t crash, but the movie is not displayed at the correct size in Windows, and won’t display at all in Windows 7 64 bit.


William A. Prothero

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