Stacks Losing their Size and Location

Ray ray at
Wed Dec 16 15:02:38 EST 2015

I've been wrestling with this in 7.0.5 for a while.  Here it is 
distilled and the simplest way to repeat it:

on mouseUp
    answer the rect of this stack
    set the decorations of this stack to empty
    answer the rect of this stack                             -- we're 
fine here (same rect)
    set the decorations of this stack to default         -- we're 
suddenly all over the place
    answer the rect of this stack                                       
-- totally different rect and dimmensions
end mouseUp

Setting the decorations to default not only changes the location of the 
stack, it also changes the stack's width and height to some new random size.

As I mentioned, this is the "distilled" version.  This also happens when 
downloading a stack from a remote server.  Simply opening it changes the 
width and/or height.

An additional issue is I'm also unable to return the stack's width, 
height or location after this random resizing occurs unless I send 
commands later or in an idle handler which calls them after everything 
has settled back down.

Does anybody know if this is a reported bug?


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