accessing database table on iPad

Frantz Charles fzcharles0214 at
Tue Sep 16 21:27:54 EDT 2014

To all,
I need your expertise help to solve this issue I encounter in the app I am creating. Here is the problem:I create a SQLite database with 2 tables containing data. The database is saved in the same folder than the app. I can access with ease the database and read the records from my desktop. But when I test the app with the emulator or with my iPad, even though a database id is returned - proof that the database is open - I got the following error: revdberr, Database Error: No such table Histoire" .  Here are my codes.Here are the codes to open the database:# Open the databaseput "/users/frantzcharles/Documents/All About LiveCode/Cric-Crac/CricCracDB.sqlite" into thePathput "/CricCracDB.sqlite" into theMobilePathif the environment = "mobile" then     if there is not a file (specialFolderPath("Documents") & theMobilePath) then        put (specialFolderPath("engine") & theMobilePath) into sPath        put url ("binfile:" & sPath) into dPath        put dPath into url ("binfile:" & (specialFolderPath("Documents") & theMobilePath))     end if  put (specialFolderPath("Documents") & "/CricCracDB.sqlite") into tDBPath  put revOpenDatabase("sqlite", tDBPath ,,,,,,) into tConIDelse  ## this is not mobile  put revOpenDatabase("sqlite", thePath ,,,,,,) into tConIDend ifHere are the codes to access the tableput "Select Hist_Question from Histoire where Hist_Id = " & tNextQ into tSQL put revdb_querylist(,,g_ConID, tSQL) into tList
I am missing something. Which I can not put my finger on. Can any of you help me? Thanks a lot

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