Stack Menu Mystery - Disappointing Documentation (Long, sorry)

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat Nov 22 11:19:42 EST 2014

Graham Samuel wrote:

 > Thanks Richard, I rather suspected what you say might be true. I do
 > however think the documentation of this feature is a bit of disgrace
 > - really I could have dismissed the whole idea after one reading if
 > the description was more complete and had better examples.

It would be very helpful if you could file a bug report on any issues in 
the Dictionary or elsewhere in the docs which contains erroneous or 
misleading info.

We're putting together a documentation team (thanks to all who've 
offered to help thus far), and once the migration of the docs to 
markdown in Github is complete we'll be able to go through the bug DB to 
knock off items as fast as we can collectively type.

  Richard Gaskin
  LiveCode Community Manager
  richard at

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