hair-pulling frustration

Neil Roger neil at
Thu Nov 13 14:58:46 EST 2014

Hi Richard,

I've  attempted to replicate the semicolon issue without any success. 
This could be why we have not come accross it during testing in-house. 
The script that I tested with is-

global gConnectionID
on mouseUp
    global gConnectionID
    if gConnectionID is not a number then
       answer error "Please connect to the database first."
       exit to top
    end if
    put "Table1" into tTableName
    put "SELECT * FROM " & tTableName into tSQL

    put revDataFromQuery(,,gConnectionID,"SELECT * FROM Table1;") into tData

    if item 1 of tData = "revdberr" then
       answer error "There was a problem querying the database:" & cr & 
       put tData into field "Data"
    end if
end mouseUp

Both the inclusion and exclusion of the semi-colon return data as 
expected. If possible, could you supply a stack for me to test with and 
I will happily look into this further.

Kind Regards,

Neil Roger
LiveCode Support Team ~

On 13/11/2014 19:09, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> revDataFromQuery(,,17,"SELECT * FROM vader_darth______001_dna;")
> yields
> Message execution error:
> Error description: value: error executing expression
> Hint: ")

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